#ItsMyTurn FAQ

During this unprecedented time of fear and uncertainty, we witness daily the incredible sacrifices of healthcare professionals, EMS, military, law enforcement, and others working tirelessly to keep patients healthy and save lives. We have witnessed people coming together to support each other in any way possible, around the globe. This has become increasingly difficult with many cities, states, and whole countries in lockdown, and all of us practicing social distancing to prevent the spread of COVID-19.

What can I do? How can I help? What good can I bring to the world ?
The answer?
Become a plasma donor. It™s your turn.
The decrease in plasma donations during the COVID-19 pandemic will most certainly impact the supply of plasma protein therapies within the next year. It is our responsibility during this time to do whatever we can to protect the vulnerable patients who rely on these lifesaving therapies.
Now is the time to mobilize. From the boardroom to the cleanroom, we can all make a difference.
Here™s how:
- Locate your nearest Plasma Donation Center
- Call your local donation center for details regarding COVID-19 precautions for donors
- Donate plasma. Take a picture or a quick video of yourself donating.
- Post to your social media using #ItsMyTurn and #IgNS hashtags and invite your colleagues to donate.
- Tag @IgNSorg, we want to know you’ve donated!
Please remember:
Plasma donation is a commitment. First donations are discarded if the donor does not return for a second time. You must donate more than once to make a difference!
#ItsMyTurn FAQ
Are Plasma Donation Centers Open?
Yes. The Department of Homeland Security considers plasma donation center and their workers a part of the critical infrastructure industry which means plasma donation centers are open and accepting donations.
Is it safe to visit and donate at plasma donation centers?
Yes. Plasma donation centers are safe, and follow rigorous federal, state, and industry safety standards. Read more here.
Please call your local donation center for details regarding COVID-19 precautions for donors.
Is it a concern that a donor may have been exposed to COVID-19? Could I harm a patient unknowingly?
The plasma supply is safe. Rigorous donor screening procedures are the mainstay of plasma collection. Additional screening procedures have been implemented due to the COVID-19 pandemic. Careful donor screening is just the beginning. Manufacturing of plasma derived therapies employs state of the art processes to ensure safety of these products. COVID-19 is considered to be highly susceptible to viral inactivation and removal processes currently employed by plasma protein product manufacturers. These processes include the use of solvent/detergent treatment, caprylate, nanofiltration, pasteurization, and other dedicated viral inactivation and removal steps. Read more
How can I find a plasma donation center near me?
Donations centers are located throughout the US. To find one nearest you, visit DonatingPlasma.org
Feel free to ask the donation center about their specific COVID-19 safety steps.