Your Team’s Courses

New! Psychosocial Issues in Chronic Illness

Living with chronic disease presents a tremendous psychosocial challenge to patients, families, friends, and caregivers. Psychosocial distress and functional impairments are often long-lasting and can worsen the course of illness, quality of life, and may feel harder to address than the disease itself. In this session, participants will explore the complex journey of chronic disease from a person- and relationship-centered perspective, and will come away with a deeper knowledge of psychosocial treatment options.

CE/CME Credits: 1
Accreditation: ANCC, ACPE, ACCME

New! Exercising with Peripheral Neuropathy

This session will focus on discussing the underlying causes of various neuropathies and understanding the goals of physical therapy, including improvement in function, flexibility and strength, balance, and reducing pain.

CE/CME Credits: 1
Accreditation: ANCC, ACPE, ACCME

Bronchiectasis in Primary Immunodeficiency

Bronchiectasis is a complication observed with patients diagnosed chronic variable immunodeficiency.  This session will describe pathophysiology, presentation, and diagnostic markers of bronchiectasis.  This session will discuss management approaches, and disease-specific tools for evaluation in these patients.

CE/CME Credits: 1
Accreditation: ANCC, ACPE, ACCME


Diagnosing and Treating PANS and PANDAS in a Multispecialty Center

Pediatric Acute-onset Neuropsychiatric Syndrome (PANS), Pediatric Autoimmune Neuropsychiatric Disorder Associated w/ Streptococcal Infections (PANDAS), or Sydenham™s chorea (with psychiatric symptoms) present a sudden, dramatic onset of neuropsychiatric symptoms in children.

CE/CME Credits: 1
Accreditation: ANCC, ACPE, ACCME

Compliance and Risk Management

This session will focus on mitigation of risks in healthcare organizations through establishing specific compliance policies.  This session will describe risk reduction and practice improvement strategies, and various practice resources available.  Therapy adherence and appropriate adverse event reporting will also be discussed.

CE/CME Credits: 1
Accreditation: ANCC, ACPE, ACCME

CVID: Overview of Genetic Causes and Diagnostic Testing

The session will describe the known genetic causes of CVID, focusing on recent patient and family case studies. The speakers will overview the clinical presentation of patients with common variable immunodeficiency (CVID), as well as other common causes of low Ig levels. Laboratory tests essential for the diagnosis of CVID will be reviewed, and IVIG and SCIG therapy in CVID will be discussed.

CE/CME Credits: 1
Accreditation: ANCC, ACPE, ACCME

Enhancing Patient Quality of Life: Roles and Responsibilities in a Healthcare Professional Team

This session will overview collaborative pathways for multi-disciplinary teams, and describe the value of this approach in healthcare organizations providing Ig therapy and other complex therapeutic interventions.  Effective communication, coordination of services, and optimizing patient care will be discussed.

CE/CME Credits: 1
Accreditation: ANCC, ACPE, ACCME

Ig Manufacturing Process: Past, Present, and Future

This presentation will provide an overview of the history of Ig products with a focus on the manufacturing processes. The various manufacturing processes employed today will be discussed in detail and will include methods used for isolation, purification, viral removal/inactivation, and formulation. Utilizing the information presented, instruction as to how to review a product Package Insert will be discussed as well as how to compare products. Finally, newer methods under study and recombinant Ig products will be reviewed and what their future role may be.

CE/CME Credits: 1
Accreditation: ANCC, ACPE, ACCME

Ig Product Selection Strategies

This presentation will provide an overview of the history of Ig products and explain the differences between products. Utilizing this information, guidelines will be presented for choosing the most appropriate Ig product for each patient, taking into account product differences and patient risk factors. Finally, case studies will be discussed to demonstrate how to implement the information presented.

CE/CME Credits: 1
Accreditation: ANCC, ACPE, ACCME

Ig Related Aseptic Meningitis

This session will discuss aseptic meningitis, a serious adverse reaction observed with IVIG administration.  Risk factors, clinical presentation, management options, and sequelae will be discussed.  Options for treating patients with history of  aseptic meningitis will be provided.

CE/CME Credits: 1
Accreditation: ANCC, ACPE, ACCME

Ig Therapy for Antibody Mediated Diseases

This session will overview the role of antibodies in the pathogenesis of various disorders.  The various mechanisms of action of Ig therapy in antibody-mediated diseases, pharmacokinetics, and other factors that characterize clinical response will be discussed, as will the individualization of therapy to optimize response.

CE/CME Credits: 1
Accreditation: ANCC, ACPE, ACCME

Ig Through the Ages

This discussion will focus on understanding the issues with treatment and management of pediatric, adolescent, and geriatric patients with IVIG and SCIG therapy. Further, the faculty will discuss important approaches to dosing and management of special populations, including pregnancy, obesity, renal dysfunction, thromboembolic risk, infection, and more.

CE/CME Credits: 1.5
Accreditation: ANCC, ACPE, ACCME

Ig Treatment Planning

Ig therapy treatment planning requires a systematic, standardized approach.  This session will focus on identifying the most important parameters of treatment planning including risk factor assessment, administration management, site of care consideration, patient education requirements, and cultural perspectives.

CE/CME CREDITS: 1 | Accreditation: ANCC, ACPE, ACCME

Legislative and Reimbursement Updates

Understanding the current issues that impact Ig therapy reimbursement is critical to ensuring patients™ access to therapy.  Healthcare professional should participate in advocacy and understand the legistlative processes that impacts decision making in Congress. This session will provide an overview of these topics, and help healthcare professionals build awareness and improve advocacy for their patients.

CE/CME CREDITS: 1 | Accreditation: ANCC, ACPE, ACCME

Needle Phobia, Pain, Anxiety, and Therapy Avoidance

Needle phobia has had an overwhelming rise in prevalence in the past two decades. Dr. Baxter’s session discusses evidence-based causes and consequences of needle fear, and dives into multiple approaches to alleviate both needle pain and fear. In addition, the factors contributing to vasovagal symptoms with needle procedures will be discussed, as well as the best current data on ways to identify and address the needle anxious patient to facilitate faster procedures and greater adherence.

CE/CME Credits: 1
Accreditation: ANCC, ACPE, ACCME

Pharmacogenomics: Evidence and Thinking

This session will review sources of pharmacogenomic information, including the core data in the Clinical Pharmacogenetic Implementation Consortium (CPIC) guidelines.  The learner will be able to recognize the link between pharmacogenomics and drug dose selection; relate genetics to drug exposure in the context of various patient populations; and identify the general direction of drug dosing when guidelines do not exist.

CE/CME Credits: 1
Accreditation: ANCC, ACPE, ACCME

Practical Applications in the Care of the Neurology Patient

Dr. Muppidi, Stanford University, will review the most common neuromuscular disorders treated with Ig therapy. This webinar will incorporate discussion of clinical and disease-specific outcome assessments into the infusion care setting. Dr. Muppidi will review appropriate monitoring in chronic Ig administration and other critical issues faced by clinicians in this field.

CE/CME Credits: 1
Accreditation: ANCC, ACPE, ACCME

Rheumatologic Disorders and Ig Therapy

This session will review the benefits from Ig, address treatment options and methods used to measure the efficacy in rheumatologic disorders.

CE/CME Credits: 1
Accreditation: ANCC, ACPE, ACCME

The Role of Subcutaneous Immunoglobulin in Myasthenias Gravis and CIDP

Dr. Dimachkie is the leading clinician and researcher in the neuromuscular disorders field. This plenary session will review the role of Ig therapy in neuromuscular disorders, the routes of administration and appropriate dosing protocols. The audience will understand the rationale for subcutaneous Ig therapy trials in neuromuscular disorders, discuss clinical trials, and the efficacy and safety of SCIg in neuromuscular disorders.

CE/CME Credits: 1
Accreditation: ANCC, ACPE, ACCME

The Scarlet Letter: Anti-A and Anti-IgA

Dr. Draper’s session will focus on understanding the IVIG-mediated hemolysis due to ABO antibodies, and anaphylaxis due to anti-IgA.  Dr. Draper will explore the pathogenesis and risk factors of hemolysis and anaphylaxis due to IVIG administration as well as ways to prevent or mitigate these adverse reactions.

CE/CME Credits: 1
Accreditation: ANCC, ACPE, ACCME

Therapeutic Fc-Fusion Proteins for Benign Hematologic Disorders

This session will address the treatment approaches using Fc-fusion proteins in hematologic disorders such as Immune Thrombocytopenic Purpura (ITP), autoimmune hemolytic anemia, and hemophilia.  Mechanism of action, goals of therapy, clinical efficacy, appropriate use, and safety of these agents will discussed.

CE/CME Credits: 1
Accreditation: ANCC, ACPE, ACCME

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